
How much can we notice the small things that happen in our daily lives? And how much can we feel the feelings that are put into those small things? By chanting Daimoku every day, I have come to notice small things of happiness that I had never noticed before.

For example, my wife sent me a letter along with some chocolates. In it, she expressed her gratitude to me and wished me good health. Chanting the daimoku calmed my mind and helped me to notice the kindness of the people around me. And every time I experience that kindness, I am filled with gratitude.

Chanting the daimoku is a time of happiness for me. And as I do so, I realize that each and every action I take each day has an impact not only on myself but also on the people around me.

Kosen-rufu is a great movement that begins with the small actions of each individual. I would like to continue chanting the daimoku and being grateful for the small things that happen every day as I walk the path of kosen-rufu.