
Today marks 5 million repetitions of the chant

On the morning of April 23, 2023, the day of the Koga City Council election, I made a big decision. I have worked hard in my life so far. However, I have not yet reached the situation in life I want for myself! All that is left is to chant daimoku! With that decision, I began my daily daimoku struggle. Because I was not good at chanting daimoku, the ignorance of my origin could not be cleared and no matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of the feeling of emptiness. I have struggled and struggled through life, and I thought that this was also life.

Disbelief and faith

But if that is the case, then what is "faith"? I have worked hard at my job and in Soka Gakkai activities, but "but?" This is where the distrust lies, and I was missing the most important daimoku of fundamental faith! I realized. If you want to change, you have no choice but to act immediately, and by acting immediately, the cause of evolving into the person you think you are will start, and the result will be determined by continuing.

The great virtues of life

The meaning and significance of my achievement of chanting the daimoku 5 million times today is a great merit in life. This is because merit is to destroy evil and virtue is to bring about good. I am grateful that I can start my morning by facing the Gohonzon with a fresh and original heart, and I am able to spend each day as if the heavenly gods and good spirits are working in harmony with me, protecting me as I prayed today. Because I realize that I have lived my life to the fullest every day.