
I was so excited! It was the Future Club roundtable discussion that I was looking forward to.

This is the district I am in charge of. Everyone who participates in the council said, "Let's make this an event that the Future Club will be happy and enjoyable!" In fact, there is a corner for the Future Club every month in our district.

The Future Club consists of two brothers. In June and July, they asked us a quiz about the 17 specific goals of the SDGs, which surprised the participants! They gave a presentation on the SDGs that our family did in July. They are still in the second grade and the oldest child in elementary school. They have been delighting the participants in the roundtable discussions every month in April and May.

As this was during the summer vacation, we came up with plans that would please the Future Club and the participants, and each person was in charge of organizing the event.

What surprised me was the district women's division chief's "magic show!"

They had such a weapon! In addition, the boys' group planned a game of telephone, where participants had to use toilet paper rolls to convey to the next person that they had seen an image made by AI, up to four rows in front of the participants.

Everyone, including the regulars, got up from their chairs and were excited, saying things like, "What? I can't hear you, what's that?", and it was fun to hear the message being passed on along with the final speaker, who then spoke one by one! Huge cheers! Then, this time, they did it three times, with the order reversed, and it was a huge success, with the district chief's roundtable reading of the Gosho, a special guest, three live saxophone performances, and of course a faith experience, with greetings from the executives in charge! It was held in the scorching heat, but each roundtable discussion surpassed past ones in growth and evolution, and each participant went home as the eyes of the future of the division.