I hope you are all well in this scorching heat...

It's already been a month since my last time reading the Gosho, sigh... I thought that if I could do one page every day and two pages once a week, I could manage it, so I decided to start...but wow!

Even though it's just reading aloud, I'm still pretty nervous. Rather than practicing many times before reading, I'm just doing it all in one go, so I can't speak clearly, I can't read, and I cough a lot.
I am reading the entire text aloud as a guide for my own reading of the Gosho, so I am doing it for myself, so I apologize, but I ask that those who listen to it listen with a feeling of, "I see."

Blog = diary

This is a diary and record of my life.
I am also becoming more forgetful (I am 67 years old).
However, I don't want to give up on myself just because I'm getting older! I can take on new challenges whenever I make up my mind! I believe that is the faith of Soka Gakkai.

In addition to the reading of this Gosho in the YouTube video, there is also an account of someone chanting the daimoku 10,000 times a day.
(YouTube channel: Please subscribe!)
I was not good at chanting the daimoku, but I came up with a Buddhist altar where I could chant the daimoku, and I decided to share my experience on YouTube every day! To date, I have chanted the daimoku 469 times (4.69 million times).

If this is the situation despite all the efforts and hard work I've put in throughout my life, then I thought that the key to success was to "chant the daimoku" (a prayer for the sutra), and although it may be a little late, I am a weak-minded person who cannot take action or continue with it with just determination. That's why I decided to make a Buddhist altar that would chant the daimoku, and last year I completed the "Buddhist Altar Revolution: Koku Zushi."

In addition, we lent the Sakuraume showroom as an office for the Komeito Party during the Koga City Council election. Because I know myself, I am a weak person who cannot continue if I keep quiet.
It is because I made it public and made a declaration of my own will that I was able to test whether my thoughts could become reality, and I am here now. And on the morning of the election day, I started chanting the daimoku 10,000 times, and am now in the midst of this sutra.

Decide, pray, and act

The present is the result of being able to put the golden rules of Soka Gakkai into practice on one's own. And the Daishonin says that the present results will become the cause of the future results. Let's experience this for ourselves! It is Ikeda Sensei who is guiding us.

The situation is getting worse not only in Japan but also around the world.
However, we live in a global age (apparently this means on a global scale). Without a doubt, this is also an age where we can connect with the whole world through the internet, in the flow of world kosen-rufu.

I myself will decide (resolve), pray (the daimoku principle), and take action! (Act to make what I have decided a reality). I want to continue this every day and demonstrate my faith that prayers are answered!