創価学会 家具調仏壇 「京錦」 ローズ 金箔入蒔絵:残念なお知らせですが、装飾業者の廃業により廃盤になりました。

Soka Gakkai Furniture-style Buddhist Altar "Kyo Nishiki" Rose Gold Leaf Maki-e: Sadly, this item has been discontinued.
The most distinctive feature of this product is that Kyoto Nishikiori is painted on the cabinet door.
When the company that made the decorations went out of business, Kyonishiki could no longer be manufactured and was discontinued.

This model without the decoration on the cabinet door is manufactured by a product called "Sakuragusa."

I was disappointed and shocked because Kyonishiki had such beautiful decorations.
I apologize for contacting you like this.
It will also be hidden from our homepage.

If you have any further inquiries, I would be grateful for your help.