612th Daimoku 10,000 Times Experience: I want to change myself! The worries of a male club member and the power of Daimoku
Posted by 島幸弘

"He called me last night, after Saturday.
He always thought of others when he acted, and yet he wondered why they didn't understand.
I have consulted him many times about relationships and work, but he always has the same troubles. He seems to feel a strong sense of loneliness because his sense of justice is not understood.
When I first joined Soka Gakkai, my biggest concern was not being able to communicate between my own life and the life of others. However, as I studied Buddhism, I came to understand that there is a cause for every phenomenon, and I began to reexamine my own way of thinking.
In Buddhism, it is believed that there is a cause for all phenomena. The root of his worries may lie in his expectations of others and his desire to impose his own values on others.
He seems to be very dissatisfied with the fact that his efforts are not being rewarded. What can he do in this situation? He can continue to practice his religious practices and chant, and engrave the teachings of Buddhism in his heart.
It is important to look deeply into your own heart and develop compassion for others through religious practice and chanting. Chanting also strengthens your own vitality and gives you the strength to overcome difficulties.
Have you ever had trouble with relationships? The teachings of Buddhism give us hints on how to face ourselves and build better relationships. Let's use the wisdom of Buddhism together to overcome our troubles."