Posted by 島幸弘
Today, November 28th, is "Soka Gakkai Spiritual Independence Day."
Today, November 28th, is "Soka Gakkai Spiritual Independence Day." Congratulations! On November 28th, 1991, the "Soka Gakkai Excommunication Notice" was sent from the Nichiren Shoshu sect. It has been 33 years since then.
"Cutting the devil's iron chains" is an enormous merit!
At that time, the men's division was very active. Now, the young people's division is very active. Since independence, we have made great progress through the merits and good deeds of faith. "Cutting the iron chains of the devil" - how amazing is it to directly connect with Nichiren Daishonin! The merits are enormous! I am filled with joy to be able to experience this sacred teaching!