Soka Furniture-style Buddhist altar "Lancel" Walnut Acrylic altar: Thank you for visiting our store and making a purchase.
Posted by 島幸弘

Soka Furniture-style Buddhist Altar "Lancel" Walnut Acrylic Shrine: Visited and sold
I received a call this morning and was able to come to the store.
We told him that it was wonderful that he had overcome various situations based on his faith, chosen our store online, and visited us. We were convinced with our life force that his father's words, that with faith he would be able to open up new possibilities in the present and future, and we heard him make a Buddhist connection to our store.
It all depends on your faith.
Purchasing a Soka Buddhist altar will mark a new turning point in your life.
All those who have purchased a Soka Buddhist altar from me have attained a state of absolute happiness.