創価学会 家具調仏壇 「メイビス」 ライト 常住御本尊様対応:東京のお客様より特別特装ご本尊様がご安置できますか?と問合せがあり、ご注文いただきました。
 Am I correct in saying that it is possible to enshrine the special Gohonzon (57.5cm long, 34.8cm wide)?
We have a special custom-made Gohonzon (same size) in our store as a sample of the surface replacement, so I have sent you a photo of it placed there via LINE.
Given its large size and the length of the string on the axis above the image, placing it there can be very tricky.
On the altar side, if you place the hanging hardware for the principal image on the top shelf and hang the string directly from the upper axis, it will be placed as shown in the image above.

If you have any questions about the Soka Buddhist altar, please contact us via LINE.
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