創価学会 厨子型 中古仏壇 1269 優雅 黒檀:千葉県のお客様より、メールお問い合わせにお答えさせていただきご注文賜りました。

Soka Gakkai Shrine-style Used Buddhist Altar 1269 Elegant Ebony: We received an order from a customer in Chiba Prefecture in response to an email inquiry.

Currently on sale at our store is a used Soka Gakkai altar made of ebony, the "Yuga" altar, including new Buddhist altar accessories, for 928,000 yen. This is a genuine altar made of ebony. It uses a colored altar with LED lighting not only on the top of the altar but also on both sides, so you can worship the Gohonzon brightly. Click here for the new one