創価学会 中古仏壇 1276 503 ニヤトー無垢 ブリーゼ:長野県へ出荷します。黒檀の置台を椅子を使うので追加されました

Soka Gakkai Used Buddhist Altar 1276 503 Nyatoh Solid Wood Breeze: Shipped to Nagano Prefecture. Ebony stand added because chair is used.

This is an older version of the "503 Nyatoh Solid Wood Breeze" currently being sold by Kongodo for 482,190 yen including Buddhist altar accessories. This is a recommended product in very good condition, manufactured about 7 years ago. This is a Buddhist altar that exudes the gentleness of calming wood. The doors are divided into two sections, so the altar can be opened and closed by itself, allowing for a smart placement. It is also ideal for Western-style rooms and for people living alone. This is a Buddhist altar with a large door that opens on three sides, so opening it on three sides widens the field of view and allows you to worship the principal image even from an angle.