創価学会イス付仏壇 「チャンス ・ ナラ」:お客様の評価・評判
 Soka Gakkai Buddhist altar with chair "Chance Nara": Click here for the product page

Hello, the altar has been carefully placed.
I was worried about the color of the altar until it arrived, but there was no need to worry as the color was very nice.
I also like the stylish three-tiered design at the top of the center of the altar.

Before deciding on the altar, I had been looking at altars here and there, and just when I was thinking of a chair-type altar, Sakuraume Momori's careful explanation gave me the opportunity to come across the oak altar, and I am very grateful.

*Congratulations on your safe arrival.
Thank you for the wonderful photos too.
What's great about this opportunity is that you liked it, and I'll talk to the manufacturer about it. We're very happy to receive such a generous evaluation and words of praise for our store.