創価ミニ仏壇 「マーチ」 ホワイト アクリル厨子:茨城県筑西からご来店購入いただきました

Soka miniature Buddhist altar "March" white acrylic altar: Purchased by a customer from Chikusei, Ibaraki Prefecture.

This is a compact mini altar where you can place a special Gohonzon. It comes with an acrylic cover, so it keeps out dust and is easy to clean. The cute, rounded design will allow you to do your religious practice and chant with a calm mind.

Last time, they purchased a Buddhist altar from our shop for the main house, but this time they wanted to use the workshop as a venue, so they wanted to carve out a wall and install a mini Buddhist altar. They wanted a special Buddhist altar with lighting, and they wanted to use white wallpaper, so they wanted a white Buddhist altar, so they requested this altar.

We had a chance to talk over tea about local organizations and faith.
This is a valuable opportunity, so I hope we can have a useful and valuable discussion. Thank you very much.